Take Action


(video about everyday consumer wasting food)

You can do your part in ending food waste through composting old food. Through this act you'll effectivley reuse food waste in a way that helps the enviroment. Compost is used for farming and gardening, through taking the steps to compost your old food, will allow it to bring nutrients to plants, This ultimatly shows how your food waste can serve a PURPOSE!! You can also buy ugly fruits and vegtables...because no one is perfect so why should food have to be?!... Dont over buy food thats just greedy, i understand you need a huge stock pile if your an extreme couponer , or a stockpile of canned goods if your a survivalist but if you dont overstock or overbuy food everyone will be able to get something and the food won't go to waste collecting dust on your shelves or in your fridges.. Make sure you understand when your food is going to expire by looking at the best if used by date (also seen as bb or best until) so you can actually use it and not wait till the last minute to figure out if its still good or bad through a sniff test... when it comes to resteraunts you need to be able to accuratley forcast consumer demand so that your shelves wont be unnecisarily overfilled and valuable food that could have went somewhere else doesnt get wasted... DONATE unused food to local food banks to give to those that need or cooperations donate any extra food that you have...Store food coherently so as to not spoil it.EVERYTHING! goes in the fridge or freezer unless it doesnt; stop being lazy and read the label... In the end try your best to eat all your food because today you may be partking in food waste by throwing good food in the trash but, tommorow the earth may partake in throwing humans in the trash...(as shown by the image below)...:)!

My Action List

Once you complete an item click it to check it off your list!

  • step 1: Sell/Buy ugly produce
  • step 2: Don't overstock and be mindful of Best By dates
  • step 3: Accurately forecast consumer demand
  • step 4: Properly distribute food
  • step 5: Store food properly/compost organic scraps
  • step 6: If possible support companies that sell "unsellable food" such as:this ,this or that OR shop at local farmers markets
  • step 7: Having big corporations donate unused or “unsellable” food to shelters or food banks